F O R E v E R C L E A N
The more old growth trees that are removed from your local area, the ramifications to your local wildlife are increased.
Possums, Cockatoos, Kookaburras, Lorakeets, Galahs & more are losing their homes...
Their native habital is being destroyed...
Solar panels, rainheads & your roof are now being used by the local wildlife, so that thay can seek refuge...
Forever Clean is here to help...
We can now provide a Possum box or native birdlife box, so that, rather that living in areas that may not be the most suitable area to live in...
They now have a place to call home, to raise their young that does not impact upon you & your home.
Produced from sustainable Plywood, sealed to prevent moisture penetration, our boxes can be installed into surounding trees, providing a safe haven for your local wildlife.

“Housing Crisis!!!
Don’t talk to me about a Housing Crisis!!!...”

Made from sustainably sourced plywood & thorougly sealed...
Our possum boxes
will provide a safe
home, for years
to come.
A home amongst the trees!!!
Rather then your roof/solar panels!!!